Tuesday 8 October 2013

Research relevant to my own brand

I was tasked to create a personal logo that would be unique to me, a logo that would be recognisable as my own brand. I needed the logo the come from the letters of my name, whether that be my full name or just my initials, it was up to me.
I began to look for logos that simplified multiple words into a concise and simple design. I find that simple shapes and lines communicate and sell ideas very effectively, so I kept that in mind while carrying out my research.

1. Bio and Beauty

This brand's identity has a muted colour scheme and combined the '2' and 'b' into quite an attractive and clear design. There is also writing underneath the logo which shows that I could easily add more information underneath my own logo if I thought my logo was wasn't clear enough or too abstract. The writing doesn't detract from the logo.

2.A Type

I really liked the way this designer had so many variations on the letter 'A'. Using line and colour he created some very effective designs that all came from the same shape, the letter 'A'. I especially like the polygon design were he split up the letter into different coloured segments. I would like to use this style in my own logo but perhaps make it more abstract.

3.Text heavy logos

This page contains a variety of logo's that use minimal imagery and contains mostly text, there are also solid black and white designs. Although these logos are text heavy they are still quite visually striking, this is achieved through their choice of font and layout.
I thought it was important to research logos of this type because my own logo would be based on the letters of my name. When creating my own logo I will keep in mind the style of these logos.

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